Life in Autismland has one quite spectacular benefit.
I know the nicest people.
Not just the fellow moms of Auties and friends who knew me BA ( Before Autism ) and have supported me so well –( though they are spectacular in their own right )
But some other people who I would never have known otherwise
R's therapists – E, S , M and T are such people
S is one of R's therapists – she is 20 cute young blond. She has a brother with ASD and is little mother to him – she works harder than anyone I know
When I reflect back on my priorities when I was 20 ( look cute for DH , do well in school ) S's maturity is impressive indeed .
This month she has been looking less than ebullient.
I have been trying to offer wordless sympathy – making Pecan brownies( s loves sweet stuff ) for our team meeting – handing her a bowl of chicken tortilla soup etc
The bowl of soup she met with a smile–" Thank you I am trying to cook at home these days. I bought some ham, cheese and bread yesterday"( this should give you a idea of just how young she is –making a sandwich=cooking)
Finally one day when I see bruises on her arm I can stay wordless no longer and ask her what's up
She says"I have been getting beaten a lot lately…… There is this very aggressive boy I am working with"
Seeing my shock – she quickly explains
" He doesn't mean it.. he is a darling in fact . he is just very frustrated these days and having lots of behaviors."
I am so spoiled by super sweet and gentle R - always gentle always sweet - who is the only special needs kid I know well that agressiveness in other children( thoug of course its usually a result of frustration rather than a desire to hurt anyone ) always shocks me.
On my asking her what she does when " getting beaten", she says " I just keep tell him to stop and repeat in my head . I will not cry "Some of the nicest people live in my world now !
Oh my. I might cry now. I will be thinking of her. You're right...we know some of the nicest people.
Yes,I agree with you. I know the nicest people, one of whom is you.
Thanks for this post.
I have only one post on that subject......a very long time ago. It is behaviour that can be un-learned, but it takes a long while and a great deal of patience.
Best wishes
My heart goes out to her... I haven't figured out how to put my thoughts into words to post about it yet but we've been dealing with aggression lately too and it is very exhausting. We went through it with our older boys too (mostly Bearhug) and it did get better, so I keep reminding myself it will get better this time too.
You're so right, we do know the nicest people :). (And I agree with aninont - you are one of them!)
I agree with everyone. You guys are my friends now. K, I've been at a loss for words lately, but I'll post about Rooster soon. Have a great day nice people.
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