Repeat - Repeat and repeat - Many things will need more than one trial - heck more than 100 tries
Many times when they seem like they are not "getting something" - they actually are - and it will come out another day - never give up
Stimmy periods atleast in R's case seem to be necessary to him - so instead of getting overwhelmed by the stimminess its important to realise that stimming is his coping skill and one should think of it as "Self regulation" and not as "Self Stimulation"
I have swithced brands of his soap and lotion to natural Burt's Bees stuff
I think we are seeing the beginning of Pretend Play -
- He put his toy phone on my ear - and he has finally understood what a phone is for
- He pretended that the stem of his Littlep people Umbrella was a straw andd drank out if it ( it totally could be that he was thinking it was a real straw)
- He also played with Leo and June figures and kised them and did Head Shourlders knees and toes with June
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